Post by shafik0009 on Jan 13, 2024 9:19:53 GMT
Reputation Competitive market. What is the mark and not authentic? Compare authentic products with other brands. What is original product? Some products are not original. Replica means copy in Vietnamese. This term is used to describe a product that needs to be thoroughly and carefully copied from the original product. It is difficult to distinguish imitations because every part is almost exactly the same as the original product in terms of appearance and detailed design. It can be said that the similarity is high. The word " counterfeit " in English can be translated as "required to be corrected and checked for counterfeiting ". Counterfeit goods are imitations of genuine goods.
However, the selling price of very poor quality goods is usually not much lower than that of genuine goods, and sometimes it is only the price of genuine goods. There are many levels of fakes. Each fast pass level will correspond to different quality and the price will change accordingly. Super fakes have the highest price, and secondly, they Asia Mobile Number List to be completely fake. Super fakes refer to products that have a better simulated appearance. But it still has differences from the original product that can be noticed by users who have to examine the text. Fake products are product lines that are lower in quality and complexity than representative products and super fake products are subject to corrective inspection. Counterfeit products usually.
Marked in terms of size, design, color, etc. but still similar in some ways. The difference between fakes and genuine products can be easily identified without careful observation. The sophistication and sharpness of the product has disappeared and been replaced by poor quality and a need for thorough seams. In addition to counterfeit products, you can also see products whose quality gradually deteriorates. Bill, what is the role of the textual evidence that must be checked in import and export How to identify fakes, replicas, genuine genuine imitations, and fakes. Sometimes you have to correct and inspect very finely. Can't even tell the difference.
However, the selling price of very poor quality goods is usually not much lower than that of genuine goods, and sometimes it is only the price of genuine goods. There are many levels of fakes. Each fast pass level will correspond to different quality and the price will change accordingly. Super fakes have the highest price, and secondly, they Asia Mobile Number List to be completely fake. Super fakes refer to products that have a better simulated appearance. But it still has differences from the original product that can be noticed by users who have to examine the text. Fake products are product lines that are lower in quality and complexity than representative products and super fake products are subject to corrective inspection. Counterfeit products usually.
Marked in terms of size, design, color, etc. but still similar in some ways. The difference between fakes and genuine products can be easily identified without careful observation. The sophistication and sharpness of the product has disappeared and been replaced by poor quality and a need for thorough seams. In addition to counterfeit products, you can also see products whose quality gradually deteriorates. Bill, what is the role of the textual evidence that must be checked in import and export How to identify fakes, replicas, genuine genuine imitations, and fakes. Sometimes you have to correct and inspect very finely. Can't even tell the difference.